Welcome to the Bracken Press PRINT-workshop website
Individual courses for print-makers, in intaglio (etching, drypoint, aquatint)
& block printing & wood engraving (lino-prints, surface printing) & letterpress
Established 1974.
List of printmaking course dates 2020
Etching & Aquatint 2020
3 persons max
Due to forthcoming commitments
there will be no courses in 2020
Lino printmaking 2020
3 persons max
Due to forthcoming commitments
there will be no courses in 2020
Letterpress & Wood Engraving 2020
Same dates as lino /
Due to recent move of all three platen
presses to new location, the letterpress course
the fonts and ancillary items are not easily accessible.
Until further notice letterpress courses are suspended.